[pronounced ah-DOH-dee]

They ask us who we are. We proudly respond, “We are ADODI.”

We are same-gender-loving men of African descent who love men with dignity, honor, and respect.

ADODI was formed in 1986 in Philadelphia, and now the ADODI brothers can be found throughout the U.S. and parts of the Caribbean, West Africa, France, and Great Britain.

ADODI IS one of the most, if not the most affirming and spiritually uplifting movements of same-gender loving men of African descent in the world!

The ideals and principles of ADODI provide a code of conduct and a roadmap toward fostering relationships among men based on agape love, mutuality, and respect.

The wonderful experience of ADODI engenders community, self-empowerment, and spiritual and personal growth.

The uniqueness of ADODI— and some call it the magic of ADODI, is in its communion of commonality rather than difference.

The ADODI experience engenders community, self-awareness, and empowerment as well as spiritual growth. The bedrock of the brotherhood is a mutual acknowledgment and affirmation of a common yet diasporic African heritage, coupled with an appreciative acceptance of same-gender love among men.

This special formula allows the brotherhood to adeptly transcend ageism, classism, and internalized homophobia and instead places its unique ADODI focus on our individual strengths and gifts and the intrinsic value that we each bring to one another.

ADODI, the plural of Ado, Yoruba word that describes a man who “loves” another man. More than just a description of partners in Africa, the ADODI of the tribe are thought to embody both male and female ways of being and were revered as shamans, sages, and leaders.

ADODI currently has chapters in Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, and ADODI Southern Region (ASR) serving brothers in the Southern States.

QUESTION: How do I join or become a member of ADODI?

To become an ADODI brother/member, please consider joining us at our Summer retreats. The IN-PERSON Summer retreat provides an initiation experience that fully welcomes you into the brotherhood of ADODI!

Adodi Founder, Clifford Rawlins 1950- 1993


Select Artwork credit: Ajuan Mance


NEW! Chapter Announced.

Tell Somebody About Adodi!

To the Adodi Nation,

"Please join me in expressing congratulations to the newest chapter of the Adodi Nation - Adodi Dallas! By majority vote at the October 24, 2022, meeting of the Adodi National Board of Directors, Adodi Dallas became an official Adodi chapter.

I am happy to acknowledge the inaugural officers of Adodi Dallas:

  • Ado Ken Jackson, Chapter Facilitator

  • Ado Jeffery Miller, Treasurer

  • Ado Arturo Phillips, Secretary

As a new chapter, they will need your positive energy and support as they work to grow their membership. Therefore, please lift them up with the light of Adodi as they begin the journey of creating a safe and affirming space for Black same-gender-loving men in north Texas. If you know anyone in the area who would benefit from the love of Adodi, please encourage them to email the chapter facilitator: jackkenn1009@yahoo.com Also, if you have an interest in starting an Adodi chapter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, congratulations to our brothers of Lone Star State. Adodi Dallas, we celebrate you on this historic day!

Ado Dr. Kahan Sablo,
Adodi National Facilitator